A dynamic DZ hosting many events - open competitions, training camps a series of Big-Way trainings and a 50x Big-Way camp in September.
Dropzone is currently closed and not working! If you are looking for dropzones in Latvia, please contact me and i will provide more info about closest dropzones to Riga.
Specialist AFF school based at Skydive London, running personalised courses in the UK, Europe and USA with BPA Instructors
Skydive in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. We have tandem jumps, courses and aerial video and stills.
This is a tandem operation
Nice Dropzone located in the middle of Denmark. Great atmosphere, nice people and very beautyful landscape. cheap jumps with a fast cessna. 14000 ft in 15 min with 5 jumpers!!! The place to jump in Denmark..
Friendly and profissional staff on a scenic DZ.
Cool small club type DZ. Owner is Bob Swainson. He's been in the sport since the 60's. Cool place to jump if your in the area!
Chilled out dropzone in Southern Madrid next to large tourist city. We have an AFF, Formation skydiving, Freefly , Base and Birdman school onsite
We are a small friendly dropzone located in the undiscovered North-West of Australia. We offer fantastic coastal visuals, guaranteed perfect weather throughout Winter, and a vibrant social atmosphere. We pride ourselves on our equipment and our progressive attitude and personal training. Accommodation is free and we welcome skydivers and potential skydivers of all levels.
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